Domain Validator

Response Attributes

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Domain Listing
If the domain is currently listed in a Spamhaus DNSBL. It also provides the timestamp it was listed and the timestamp of when the listing will expire (subject to the listing not being renewed)
If the domain is not listed, this will return "is_listed": false
Domain Contexts
  • context: dkim-header,
    description: The domain has been used in a DKIM header in a mail sample
  • context: dkim_d,
    description: DKIM d= field
  • context: dnsblquery,
    description: The domain has been seen in a dnsbl query
  • context: helo,
    description: The domain has been seen in a SMTP HELO/EHLO command
  • context: mailbody,
    description: The domain has been used in a link in the content of an email
  • context: mailsample,
    description: The domain has been observed in a mail sample
  • context: osint,
    description: The domain has been discovered researching open data
  • context: pdns,
    description: The domain has been seen in a passive-dns query
  • context: redirect,
    description: The domain has been detected following an HTTP redirect
  • context: sandbox,
    description: The domain has been seen in a malware sandbox
  • context: sms,
    description: The domain has been observed inside an SMS
  • context: tlscert,
    description: The domain has been seen in the TLS certificate
  • context: webscraper,
    description: The domain has been detected by a webscraper
  • context: zone,
    description: The domain has been seen in a zone file
  • context: zrd,
    description: The domain has been seen through Zero Reputation Domain (ZRD)
Domain Senders
This Shows information relating to the IP addresses that have been seen sending emails for the domain.

The score is a reputation value, similar to the one associated with the domain, but refers to the reputation of the sender’s IP address. It is important to remember that the IP addresses will cover a broad range of reputation, from very good to exceptionally poor and the sender’s IP reputation may not be strictly related to the domain itself.
Hostnames listed
Spamhaus tries to minimize the impact and reach of a listing, and, where possible, we list hostnames rather than domains

if available, the hostnames that are (or have been) listed for a specific domain in the recent past.
Reputation Dimensions
Spamhaus assesses the reputation of each domain across several dimensions. Each dimension is a container which we associate signals with. For example, if we receive a signal indicating a bot infection, we will modify the malware dimension while if we have signals relating to the emails sent by the domain reaching our spamtraps, we will alter the smtp dimension.

The main supported dimensions are:

  • smtp: Reputation in the SMTP area
  • identity: Reputation of the identity of the domain. (Owner, registrar and more)
  • infra: Reputation of the infrastructure of the domain. (NS, hosts, etc.)
  • malware: Reputation of the domain affected by malware, bots and the distribution of such threats
  • human: The human reputation for a domain, accounting for operations and false positive fallouts. This dimension represents the opinion of Spamhaus researchers about the domain.
  • 3rdparty: Third parties reputation signals are added to this dimension.
Third parties reputation signals are added to this dimension
The human reputation for a domain, taking into account operations and false positive fallouts
Reputation of the identity of the domain (Owner, registrar and more)
Reputation of the infrastructure of the domain (NS, hosts, ...)
Reputation of the domain as affected by malware, bots and distribution of such threats
Reputation in the SMTP area
Reputation of the web part of the domain: the sites and their behaviour
Tag list
The full list of tags that can be associated with a domains
domain is being abused by third parties
domain is used by adware
domain is used in botnet spam
domain is used for botnet command and control
this domain hosts a CDN
domain has been compromised
validated domain used for corporate uses only
domain is a DGA
domain offers disposable services
domain is used to provide dyndns services
domain used by an ESP to relay mail. Should not be listed.
domain offers free hosting services
domain offers freemail services
domain is involved in hailstorm operations
domain used for provider customer end points
domain is used in malware distribution
domain cannot be listed for any reason
domain is used in phishing attacks
domain is used as a url shortener or redirector
domain is used in fraud
domain offers shared services
URL shortener service
domain is used to sinkhole botnets
domain is used in snowshoe spam8
domain is used in spam